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from the Pioneers of Decarbonisation

Mit meteoviva Energiekosten in Shopping Centern senken. Motiv Winterschlussverkauf 2050: Flip-Flops statt Winterstiefel?

amanteia software launch at Expo Real

meteoviva reveals groundbreaking decarbonsation software amanteia at Expo Real Munich.
Portrait Geschäftsführer meteoviva Uwe Großmannmeteoviva

meteoviva mourns the loss of Uwe Grossmann

We are deeply saddened to announce that our dear friend and Managing Director Uwe Großmann passed away on 24 January 2025 after a brief battle with illness.
meteoviva-neuer Firmensitz in Aachen

We have moved.

We have moved our company headquarters to Aachen. Come and visit us at Friedlandstraße 18 in Aachen.
Das WTC in Dresden erhält mit Hilfe von meteoviva climate die DGNB-Platin-Zertifizierung.

WTC Dresden DGNB certification

meteoviva climate delivers valuable points for the highest DGNB building certification.
Logo der Marke amanteia – Software zur Dekarbonisierung von Gebäudeportfolios

amanteia – Decarbonising real estate portfolios in the most effective way

With amanteia, portfolio and ESG managers can identify which measures are driving the decarbonisation of their building portfolio.
meteoviva mit neuem Corporate Design – Interview mit Geschäftsführer Uwe Großmann

meteoviva reinvents itself

Uwe Großmann explains the reasons for reinventing itself in the face of the challenges in the real estate industry