Double-digit reduction in electricity and heating costs in shopping centres.

Reduce energy costs in shopping centres with meteoviva. Motif winter sales 2050: flip-flops instead of winter boots?

A number of retail companies are complaining about high energy costs and stricter ESG regulations for the operation of their properties. meteoviva provides answers.

Advancing digitalisation, rapidly changing customer needs, sustainability obligations and ongoing price pressure – the transformation process in retail is complex. In order to survive change, it is important to think in a networked way. Digitalisation, cost-effectiveness and sustainability go hand in hand particularly well when it comes to the efficient and climate-friendly operation of a retail property.

Getting the energy costs of retail space under control
Operating costs are one of the most important factors here. The average energy consumption for electricity and heating in a medium-sized shopping centre is 150 kWh per square metre. According to a recent EHI study, air conditioning and ventilation in the non-food sector are the second largest electricity consumers after lighting, accounting for 28 per cent. Added to this is heat generation. All of this not only burdens the operating cost budget, but also causes enormous greenhouse gas emissions

…… be continued

Read the full expert article here

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