Logo meteoviva dsm – demand side management – lässt Sie von günstiger sauberer Energie profitieren

Managing the peaks

The rise of renewable energies and progressive electrification, make intelligent electricity management increasingly important. meteoviva dsm offers you a future-facing solution to dynamically adapt the consumption of your building stock to fluctuating electricity generation. With meteoviva dsm, you can reduce peak loads, save electricity costs, and make optimal use of cheap, clean energy without compromising comfort.

The meteoviva dsm campus solution

We transform buildings into dynamic energy components within the system.

Dr. Stefan Hardt, CEO meteoviva

Zertifikat meteoviva Garantierte Energieeinsparung

Results guaranteed

Customers rely on meteoviva for impactful results and sustainable savings. We guarantee up to 40 per cent less energy costs and lower CO2 emissions from buildings. Smart algorithms calculate precise savings to promote efficiency and eco-friendliness.

Safe by design

Data security is core to our business. This means our customers enjoy peace of mind knowing their energy efficiency is improving and their data is safe.

Our clients include banks and operators of critical infrastructures such as DB Immobilien, the City of Hamburg, and Düsseldorf Airport.

From software development and implementation in the building, through to operation and the data centre, we are DIN ISO 27001 certified. This makes us one of the few certified smart data providers in our industry.

Gebäudedassaden mit Grafik Datenschutz. In puncto Datensicherheit und Datenschutz setzt meteoviva neue Standards.