Logo amanteia – vorrausschauende Handlungsempfehlungen für ein klimaneutrales Portfolio

Making decarbonisation actionable.

amanteia offers a reliable action plan to achieve legal decarbonisation targets. Regardless of their portfolio size, our customers achieve their requirements efficiently and economically.

Avoid stranded assets

Advantages amanteia


Simple input process

amanteia simplifies planning. With a few inputs, our customers can categorise buildings and their energy consumption. Estimated data can be replaced with measurement or billing data at any time. amanteia makes it easy to tweak strategies to achieve decarbonisation targets.


Precision planning

With amanteia, our customers create multiple plans with various options, such as building and portfolio data, country-specific regulations, and company requirements. This allows them to identify and select the best route to reach their desired decarbonisation goals.


Seamless data Integration

amanteia integrates data from sources such as measurements, billing, geo, market, and PV yield calculators. It effortlessly exchanges data with ERP systems for smooth operations.


Comprehensive reporting

GRI (Section 302/305), EU taxonomy, and GRESB compliant reports are generated with ease. This offers customers a comprehensive roadmap for their decarbonisation journey.