And how much does it cost you...? Nothing!

Many customers recognize the savings potential in MeteoViva Climate. However, some hesitate because of budgetary guidelines. Either there are simply no additional funds available or the budget must be approved specifically. For this customer dilemma, MeteoViva has found a solution with its new contracting model.

The new offer looks as follows:

The expenditures for installation and commissioning of MeteoViva Climate will be assumed by MeteoViva for the time being. The customer pays these expenses back later during the course of the running operation by means of a share in the achieved energy savings. In concrete terms, that means: During the contact term, MeteoViva charges an additional, also profit-based operating fee, in addition to the profit-based operating fee of basically 1/3 of the annual electrical and thermal energy cost reduction. Thus, the financial risk for the customer is equal to zero. MeteoViva bears the risk alone that the contractually agreed savings are not achieved.

A win-win situation


The contracting model is of interest to anybody who wants to save money from the very first month and ease the strain on the budget. Numerous customers already make use of the offer, among others the Deutsche Post or BMW. The model has a special appeal if user and owner of a building are not identical. There are tenants who wish to reduce their heating and electricity costs and who want to convince the owner with arguments in hand to use MeteoViva Climate and thus reduce the ancillary costs. After all, the owner does not have to release an extra budget to advance the investments. Rather, he can add the service fees for the ongoing operation to the ancillary costs. The opposing benefit of the savings in energy costs reaches the tenant directly.

Kill two birds with one stone

Even system manufacturers or facility management providers can utilize the contracting model of MeteoViva to finance already planned investments in their building automation technology or other additional services. They simply bundle these into one package with MeteoViva Climate. Example: A company plans to install frequency converters into existing ventilation systems which, when combined with an intelligent control, can generate significantly higher savings. Currently there are no funds available for this investment. MeteoViva pre-finances the control technology and takes over installation and commissioning. In return, the success rate in the energy cost reduction increases. System manufacturers and facility managers profit from the additional revenue along with the client, because in the end he has the better systems and still saves in energy costs without having to invest any money.